IT Management

Eric Williams

Tech, Podcasts, Travel, Music

Born in Los Angeles, CA where I spent my early childhood facing the challenges of being poor in South Central LA in the 90’s, then moving to the small town of Natchitoches, LA where I finished high school and went to college. My life has taken me down several paths which brought me joy, money, love, heartache and pain. It has sent me to many places within and out of the US, where I had many beneficial experiences and relationships and along with that obstacles I needed to overcome. This has made me a well rounded individual with experience in many things, from Business, QA, Music, and what I am currently known for, my IT engineering skills. Aside from that I love all genres of music, I play the trombone, and bass, also pretty good at producing instrumentals. I’m a gamer, psn and mobile. I also started a podcast with a few of my good friends called “What They Talkin”. Last but not least Ball is Life. Before covid I played ball whenever I could, whether it’s in a league or tournament, or at some park or gym. Although those are things I really enjoy doing, it drove me to my passion for helping people.

We started Swurl at first to help small and minority businesses make their digital footprint in the business world. Then I paid more attention to the individuals around me who work a 9 to 5 like myself and really desired to run their own business, but didnt know how to start, who to talk to or just have reliable resources they could reach out to, who experienced the same headaches when taking that big step to be an entrepreneur. This made me want to use Swurl for more than helping small businesses but take all the professional relationships and connections we’ve made over years and allow others to use them so they don’t have to make the same mistakes we made on the path to success. My vision is to build a community of trusted resources that people can connect with, share stories of success and struggle and even get potential apprenticeships. Let’s create the community together to help each other grow.

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